Kirkwood High School student newspaper

Marquette High School (Rockwood School District)

Online/Hybrid/In-person?: Full scale in-person or online.

Weekly schedule: Rockwood switched to a quarter system first semester, where students take four courses first quarter and three courses second semester. Currently they have three 1.5 hour long classes from 8:28 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. every day. Does not offer sit down lunch.

Timeline of events: All-virtual learning was discussed in the summer. On Aug. 6, the superintendent announced they would be starting completely virtually. District put out a reopening plan late September. K-2 students were sent back Sept. 30. Grades 3-5 were sent back Oct. 14. Middle schools were sent back Nov. 5 and all high schools were sent back Nov. 12.

Student feedback: According to Waha Siddiqui, Marquette Messenger editor-in-chief, parents are unhappy about the restrictions on after school activities and spectators, while teachers and staff are disappointed and angry with the district for not prioritizing their well-being and time. Students are angry at other students for partying (especially on Halloween) and everyone seems to be concerned about the pandemic spreading in West County. In regards to the decision making process, teachers seem to be on a completely different page from the district, creating conflicts and dismay.

Second semester plans: Returning to semester system. Rockwood established they were following CDC guidelines rather than Governor Mike Parson’s, and there is possibility of a remote second semester.

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