Kirkwood High School student newspaper


December 10, 2021

Marilynn Steuby

@kirkwood__compliments is known for spreading positivity to KHS students.

  • @kirkwood_compliments – 284 followers 

Trends come and go, but positivity is here to stay, and that’s just what @kirkwood__compliments offers. This account began on Nov. 26, and within two days it reached nearly 200 followers.  

 “[@kirkwood__compliments] is a positive way to make [other KHS students] feel good,” O’Leary said.

 O’Leary said it’s great that there is an account that spreads positivity, while the others  focus on humor. The owner of @kirkwood__compliments said that their goal was to separate themselves from all the negativity from other accounts.

“I got sick of the Kirkwood accounts that are [encouraging] negativity,” the owner of @kirkwood__compliments said. “I wanted to make [an account] that would make people happy.”

The @kirkwood__compliments account provides positive vibes only and creates a safe, happy community of sharing kindness with others. 

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