Kirkwood High School student newspaper

Mr. Ravenscraft

January 28, 2022

Marianthe Meyer

Mr. Ravenscraft, history teacher, posing for his outfit. Ravenscraft is an ex-lawyer so he has a lot of suit jackets that he likes to wear.

Why do you usually wear suits?

“I wear a lot of suit jackets because I used to be a lawyer, so I have a lot of them. Also, even though I give myself casual Fridays, I like to look a little bit more professional than my students. I used to like to push the envelope a little more with what I wore to entertain myself. [I would test and] see, ‘If I wear this insane patterned jacket and shirt combination, will anyone say anything about it?’”


When was a time you had a bad style?

“I went through a phase in my twenties where I wore a lot of— don’t judge me for this, it was the fashion then in the early 2000s— deep, V-neck T-shirts. Like aggressively, chest hair deep. That was just my go-to outfit, some jeans and my solid deep-V shirt. I thought it looked good, but looking back, it was not the most flattering look. To my eternal shame, I was that guy.” 


If you are running late in the morning, do you have a go-to outfit that you’d wear? 

“Oh no, I have standards. I will only dress down on Fridays, there are no exceptions.”


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