Romona Miller, assistant principal
TKC: What has been your favorite part of your time at KHS?
RM: My ultimate [favorite part] is just the relationships that I have with kiddos in the classroom, and I also coached cheerleading for a period of time. I’ve done BACC for a number of years. But just the relationships with the kids. When I first thought about transitioning into administration, that was my biggest fear: that I wouldn’t have connections with the students. And it actually meant that I started reaching a lot more and learning a lot more. That has ultimately been the biggest joy, and the traditions that are here at KHS. I think that makes it so unique from other schools and other districts. Being a part of that and the school community is huge. I absolutely love that part of it.

RM: It’s funny, because Kirkwood is very similar to the high school that I went to as far as the demographics and all. I was a science geek. I’ve loved science forever, but I was very involved. I was a cheerleader, I ran track, I was involved in different things in the school. So as far as what I see [at Kirkwood], it’s funny because I can, I can see bits and pieces of me in different students that I’ve dealt with here at the high school. I loved my high school experience. And, you know, given the what I did decide to go into education, because it was a second career for me. One of the things that I knew is what level I wanted to be at because Yeah, mom high school, I mean, I, I can tell young, young children, little small increments, middle school, I just have no place for them whatsoever. It was just where, you know, I felt a natural draw, so it’s no surprise that that’s where I ended up.
TKC: Do you have any advice for students?
RM: It sounds so cliche, but really, these are some of the best years of their lives. I think so many times and it was true my generation as well. We rush through high school, because we’re so easy to get to that next, “I can’t wait to graduate second, go to college, I can’t wait to graduate so I can do this.” But this is really you know, some of the best years of your life and you’re making friends and bonds that will last you forever. You’re getting experiences that once you walk out the door, you know you’re getting support and love that that may not be there when you leave. Just take time to enjoy it. That next phase is going to come for sure, but right now just embrace the time here because once it’s gone, you will look back at the end, love or hate if you feel that way, there will be bits and pieces that you missed that you wish you could go back to. Like I said, the next chapter will come, but enjoy this chapter while it’s here.
TKC: If you could describe your time at KHS in a sentence, what would it be?
RM: It’s been the most incredible ride that I could have imagined.