1. Spray Tan – Many girls love to get these before school dances.
5. Ice Cream – This is the best food to enjoy with your friends after a breakup.
9. Canceled – This is a term thrown around all over the internet, potentially ruining lives.
11. Snow Days – Something that every student and teacher looks forward to by putting their PJs on inside out and freezing an orange.
12. Webster – This school boosts our ego when competing against them in sports, especially football (and pretty much everything else).
14. Website – TKC’s __ publishes all of these stories and more (shoutout).
16. Candy Hearts – The trademark candy of Valentines Day.
17. The Notebook – Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling star in this famous love story.
19. Pioneer Perks – We wish that this served coffee all day, rather than just through third period.
20. Skinny Jeans – A fashion choice that is hated right now, and is said to never come back in style.
2. Moon – I love you to the __ and back.
3. January – The dreariest month of the year.
4. Kanye West – This is a famous celebrity we love to hate, for good reason. He also had four kids with the second woman to wear Marilyn Monroe’s dress.
6. Pictures – Looking at these can remind us of loved ones.
7. Internet – Your phone loses this the second you step onto the KHS campus.
8. Blocked Games – When bored in class, it is not an option to play ___.
10. Horror – A common movie genre for first dates that gives you an excuse to get up close and personal with your date.
13. Cupid – The little guy who shoots people with arrows to make them fall in love.
15. Schoology – The system our school uses for homework and tests, and takes away our free time.
18. SOS – SZA’s new album that is breaking the charts.