Kirkwood High School student newspaper

Natalie Hosto

Student carrying an unnecessary amount of items, breaking hallway etiquette rules.

#1- Unwanted Accessories

Get rid of all accessories you’re lugging around. If it doesn’t fit in your backpack, it doesn’t belong in the hall. These accessories include, but are not limited to: lunchboxes, wheels on your backpack, instruments and all additional baggage. You may be thinking, my instrument? Yes, your instrument. I can’t count how many times I’ve been struck by one of those violins that are constantly being dragged around. It’s not as if this is unavoidable. The only thing that annoys me more than unpredictable instruments are roller backpacks. I understand how for some people they are completely necessary, and in that case, I love it, roll away. But for those who simply own a roller-backpack just to own one, I have to ask, why? It doesn’t look good, some of y’all look like you’re boarding a Southwest Flight , not your fourth hour. And they regularly cause traffic jams in the hallways. Not to mention how dangerous they are — smashing feet, or smacking  ankles. You don’t know pain until a rolling backpack has rammed into your toe.

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