Listen, hallway crushes are so middle school. You’re at school and following some poor stranger who is just trying to go about their day. We are in high school now, hallway crushes are a thing of the past and like many other things should stay in middle school. If you think they don’t notice you staring at them, you’re lying to yourself. They definitely see you everytime you walk by them in the hall. Looking up and down from your phone is only making you stand out more, plain and simple. In the unlikely case that you’re also their hallway crush, you’re both still strangers at the end of the day.
There is so much you don’t know about them. They could have really bad music taste, the worst personality imaginable or any other deal breakers you may consider. You’re at school to get an education, not to pursue someone you only see once a day. Let’s be real, do you really want to try to date people within the walls of KHS? I didn’t think so. Hallway crushes are mainly one-sided and the person you like probably thinks you’re some weirdo staring at them when they’re just trying to get to their next class. There’s no spark, no chemistry, you’re just desperate to make someone fall for you from across the hall. Will you ever go up to them? Realistically speaking? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Hallway crushes are fantasies that aren’t always meant to be lived out- some of them are meant to live and die in the hallway between passing periods.