Ava McGovern
My mom always told me that I could make conversation with a wall. I believe that’s true.
University of Kansas
Exercise Science on pre-PA Track
My parents loved art fairs, but instead of looking at art they’d spend most of their time searching for my blonde curly pigtails and brightly colored clothes. “Where’s Lila?” they would think to themselves when they looked down to find I was no longer trailing by their side. They’d frantically look for me amongst the sea of people that surrounded them.
They found me on the curb, talking to a strange adult who was most likely inebriated and someone most parents would be mortified to find their five-year-old talking to. But I didn’t care. I loved having someone to tell about my life and learning about theirs. I never understood why I wasn’t allowed to talk to people I didn’t know. As my parents would pull me away by my small hand, I’d wave bye to my new friend.
Strangers are only strangers before you say hi.
My mom always told me that I could make conversation with a wall. I believe that’s true. I take no offense though, my blabbering lips have gotten me through my 18 years of life just fine. Luckily I have great friends who let me run my mouth to them and I have these 350 words to write down my last thoughts. I cherish that.
Words are important. Be careful with the words you let leave your lips and who you tell them to. Especially in high school, because everything becomes one big telephone game in a building full of people who don’t care if your initial message gets twisted. This was known though. We’ve all seen Mean Girls and the thousands of movies like it, so the chatter should’ve been expected.
I don’t mind, I know not everyone has the opportunity to have a place like TKC to share their words and have people actually care about it. That’s why they take the words of others. Maybe that’s why I joined TKC. To have more than just a wall to talk to and maybe inspire a few strangers along the way.