Kirkwood High School student newspaper

Coco LeGrand

It’s important to find a way to enjoy what you do, even if it’s something completely new to you.

Zach Thomson

University of Minnesota 

Management Information Systems

Honestly, I joined The Kirkwood Call not because I was interested in journalism or because I had friends in the program. In fact, I hardly knew anyone in it before I joined. My original reason for becoming a part of TKC was to make my high school resume look better. However, looking back on my decision to join, there was definitely more to consider than a resume boost. 

As someone who has been a part of TKC  for only two years, it is crazy to see how much happened in such a short time. But if there’s one important lesson I have learned from these years, it is that TKC  is what you make of it; so have fun and find enjoyment in what you do. Whether it was writing an entire review bashing on a Drake album or covering the KHS racquetball team’s national championship title, I found ways to enjoy something that I was once unfamiliar with: journalism.

TKC also helped me meet some awesome people too: one tall baseball player, one short baseball player, a music enthusiast and a few Essex F.C. players. Whether I was working on a story or simply spending time with these people, they are what made high school a lot more entertaining. If it weren’t for TKC, I probably wouldn’t have even met these amazing people in the first place.

TKC gave me an opportunity to make some memories even outside of my work in the magazine. One time, a ton of staffers, including myself, came up with the clever idea of racing chairs with wheels around the school during a late night. By the end of the race, four chairs ended up losing some of their wheels. Even though this was very stupid, I feel like this moment allowed me and others to have a great time. Sometimes doing the stupidest stuff can create some of the best memories. 

In all seriousness, it’s important to find a way to enjoy what you do, even if it’s something completely new to you. Because in the end, you may find something you’ll have a lot of fun with that can open you up to greater opportunities.

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